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Red, White, and Blue Strawberries

Red, White, and Blue Strawberries for the 4th of July!
If you're having a 4th of July get-together...or attending a 4th of July get-together...or staying home and watching the fireworks on your TV...you NEED to make these Red, White, and Blue Strawberries.

Red, White, and Blue Strawberries: dessert for the 4th of July!
I know that sounded bossy, but really, truly - these cute strawberries are the MOST FESTIVE, the MOST FUN, the MOST EASY (I know it should be "easiest" but "most easy" just seemed to flow) patriotic dessert ever.

Getting right to the patriotic point...I'm sharing the details today over on The Pioneer Woman Food & Friends. Go get the details then get yourself to the store!

Red, White, and Blue Strawberries for the 4th of July!
Your kitty just might want in on the fun! 
Happy Independence Day!

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