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My Fiery Sambal Fried Koay Teow

Among the three types of noodles, meehoon, koay teow and mee, I would have to say that koay teow is my favorite.

It is the oiliest (if you buy the fresh packaged ones) and the softest and I guess I love that comforting mouth feel that I get when eating either fried koay teow or koay teow soup.

Last weekend I had a craving for sambal koay teow. My favorite noodle in delicious sambal. Now, how tempting is that.

This is not my first attempt. I cooked one a while back and it was just all right and could be improved.

First attempt. Too little sambal. And too little kicap.

So I came away with satisfactory results in my second attempt. I had some chili paste leftover in the fridge and I used up the whole lot which meant that I ended up with an extra spicy batch of koay teow.

But it's all good. Lagi pedas lagi sedap! (the spicier the better!). 

Sambal Fried Koay Teow
Recipe source : Phong Hong

Ingredients :
- 450g koay teow
- some chicken meat (marinated in some garlic and soya sauce)
- 10 prawns
- 3 tbsp chili paste

Pounded :
- 6 small onions
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1 heaped tsp belacan

Seasoning (Mix together and set aside):
- 2 tbsp light soya sauce
- 1 tbsp dark soya sauce
- 1 tbsp sweet soya sauce

Method :
1. Heat oil in wok and fry prawns until cooked. Dish out and set aside.
2. Then do the same with the marinated chicken meat.
3. In the same oil (add more if necessary) saute the pounded ingredients and chili paste until fragrant.
4. Pour in the seasoning and bring to a boil.
5. Add koay teow and stir mix with the the seasoning.
6. Add the cooked prawns and chicken and stir to mix.
7. Serve and enjoy!

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